Historical lessons tell us that environmental degradation has always been a factor in social collapses. 历史教训告诉我们,环境恶化总是文明崩溃的一个前提。
C4d is a degradation product of the complement factor C4, which is typically activated during the classical component cascade. Effect of Complement Factor H and Adrenomedullin in Diabetic Nephropathy 随后Coffins等验证了C4d是一个特殊而且可靠的反应体液性免疫的指标。肾上腺髓质素和补体因子H在糖尿病肾病中的作用的研究
Soil degradation is an important factor of restricting our country agriculture and, social economic sustainable development. 土壤退化是制约我国农业和社会经济持续发展的重要因素。
The term "bond degradation factor" was developed to represent the bond loss during loading. 建立了粘结退化率来表示荷载作用下的粘结损失。
The temperature control and vacuum system have been newly designed. The problems of the voltage fluctuation and degradation of the power factor in phase-shifting trigger have been solved with the technology of single-phase controllable silicon zero-crossing trigger in the temperature control system. 对液相外延温控系统和真空系统进行了全新的设计,温控系统运用单相可控硅过零触发技术,解决了移相触发技术中使系统电压畸变,功率因数下降的问题。
At the same time, the environment degradation has been the restrict factor of economic development. 同时,环境退化已成为经济发展的制约因素。
Study of acellular xenogenic dermal matrix degradation factor 无细胞异种真皮基质降解因素的研究
At present the mid& senior civil servants 'authority degradation have not only special factor in the course of the shunt period but the deeply system abuse. 当前中高级公务员权威衰减既有转轨时期特殊因素,也有更深层次体制弊端。
Increasing of villager's labor intensity ( land productivity descent, labor time extension) caused by environment degradation is the important factor to cause the poverty; 因环境退化导致村民劳动强度增加(土地生产力下降,劳动时间延长)为决定贫困的重要因素;
Based on the analysis of degradation mechanism for pesticides and environmental factor, a new non linear kinetic model for describing residual process of pesticides by the system kinetic theory and the method of its parameters estimation were given in this paper. 从分析农药降解的机理及影响农药降解的环境因素出发,根据系统动力学原理,导出了一种定量描述农药残留动态的非线性动力学模型,并给出了模型参数的估计方法。
Clinical Studies of the Fibrinogen, Fibrin-fibrinogen Degradation Products and Factor ⅷ-related Antigen in Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病病人的纤维蛋白原、纤维蛋白(原)降解产物、第Ⅷ因子相关抗原的临床研究
In the light of Tsai-Wu failure criterion, the burst pressure of the casing is calculated by the method of single layer degradation factor. 根据Tsai-Wu强度准则,采用单层模量退化的方法,计算获得了火箭发动机复合材料壳体的爆破压力。
To the degradation of bronopol, biological factor is more important than non-biological factor, even though non-biological factor is important. 溴硝醇在土壤降解过程中,非生物因素起到了比较重要的作用,但仍以生物降解为主。
Ubiquitination-mediated Degradation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 泛素介导的表皮生长因子受体的降解
The ecological degradation was induced obviously by artificial factor in the east of Tibet. 藏东地区生态退化人为因子明显。
The driving force system of grassland degradation is defined, and the structure is explained as well, based on which the main factors of grassland degradation are quantitatively analyzed by means of factor analysis. 在阐述草地驱动力系统含义与结构的基础上,运用因子分析的方法对草地退化主要影响因素进行了定量分析。
Both in air and nitrogen the values of degradation reaction order, activation energy and frequency factor were obtained and lifetime was estimated at various temperature. 得出了聚甲醛在空气和氮气中热降解反应级数、同温度下的使用寿命。
Results indicate that degradation of frictional coefficient is the main factor to influence the debond stress and crack growth during the fatigue loading. Also the effect of the geometric size should be considered to interfacial fatigue crack growth. 结果表明,摩擦系数的衰减程度是影响界面脱粘应力大小及裂纹扩展快慢的主要因素,而且材料的尺寸效应对界面疲劳特性的影响也不容忽视。
Test of degradation reduction factor of geosynthetics The Research on Composite Material Damage Factor 土工合成材料的老化指标试验复合材料损伤因子理论的探讨
A lightweight localization algorithm based on space compensated model and environment degradation factor model is put forward. 提出了基于空间补偿模型和环境衰减因素模型的定位算法。
Integrated weighted trilateration localization algorithm, compensated model and environment degradation factor model, a new localization strategy is put forward. The strategy is implemented on hardware platform ( CC2430) and software platform ( WSN stack). 设计了基于加权三边测量定位算法、人员定位模型和环境衰减因素模型的定位策略,在硬件平台(CC2430)及软件平台(自行开发的WSNstack)上实现了该定位策略。
In surface waters, photochemical degradation is the main factor in determining the fate of organic matter. 在表层水体中,有机物最主要的降解方式是光降解,因此本文模拟自然水体中的各种主要因素,研究其对环丙沙星光降解的影响。
When taking the strength degradation to define the ductility factor in practice in modified EPP model, it is necessary to adopt a ductility-definition-related strength reduction factor. 实践中对退化的修正EPP模型,应采用与延性系数定义相配套的地震力折减系数。
Over-breeding is the main factor for the degradation of aquatic vegetation and main limiting factor for recovery, and if we change the types and amount of fish under the conditions of the existing water quality, the aquatic vegetation can be recovered. 过度养殖是水生植被退化主要原因和恢复的主要限制因子,在现有水质条件下改变鱼类的种类和数量,可以恢复水生植被。
In the in vitro study, the degradation, growth factor release, cell proliferation, and cell viability for the three microspheres were evaluated respectively. 在体外实验中,我们研究了三种微球的降解性、生长因子缓释性、细胞增殖和细胞活性。
The degradation of soil quality has become a main factor which influences the quality, benefit and sustainable development of facility agriculture. 设施土壤质量的退化已成为影响设施农业品质、效益及限制持续发展的主要因子。
Soil acidification is a main form of soil degradation and a main factor that limits the farmland fertility. 土壤酸化是土壤退化的主要表现形式,是限制农田地力的主要因素。
The degradation of HPAM is an important factor that influences the effect of polymer flooding. HPAM的机械降解是影响聚合物驱油效果的一个重要因素。
Hypoxia can affect the activity of fibroblasts and collagen synthesis and degradation and growth factor secretion that were three main factors of pathological scar formation. 低氧能影响成纤维细胞的活性,胶原的合成与降解及生长因子的分泌这三大病理性瘢痕形成的主要因素。